Turkey Covid-19 Travel Restrictions

COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS IN TURKEY FOR INTERNATIONAL VISITORS There are some rules for international visitors who are coming to Turkey from other countries. As of 01 July 2021, there is no visitor accepted from Brazil, South Africa, Nepal and Sri Lanka. If you are coming the other countries, you have to have a PCR test which can be done 72 hours before you arrive in Turkey. If your test is positive, then you will have to […]
Coronavirus In The World

Coronavirus In The World Everyday the Health Ministries in the world are announcing messages and warning the people. But the pandemic has been spreading out all over the world again within the last month. Actually We can end the pandemic everywhere if we can commit to a solution that includes everyone.
COVID-19 Pandemic impact on the economy of the World.

COVID-19 Pandemic impact on the economy of the World. Up today, there are about 3.500 events are cancelled or postponed. Almost 40 billion Euro SALES LOSSES for exhibiting companies in the World. There is 125 billion Euro ECONOMIC LOSSES. There are 1.3 million JOBS in dilemma. We know that Exhibitions are playing a VITAL ROLE […]